How to disable warnings for particular include files?

Johannes Schaub - litb picture Johannes Schaub - litb · Jun 12, 2011 · Viewed 32.6k times · Source

I wold like to disable particular warnings for all files that are included, directly or indirectly, by particular include files. For example, I want to disable the warning "you are assigning a string literal to a char*", for all files or files included by files included by a #include <bar/*> (the star in my case means "anything may be here").

The reason is, some of the people I have to program with just can't use "const", so in the end I get lots of warnings about that particular string literal abuse. I would like to ignore those thousands of warnings coming from their code, so I can concentrate on the mistakes in my own code and fix them.

I use Intel C++ and GCC. Some of my buddies use clang, so I would be glad to hear solutions for that too.


Konrad Rudolph picture Konrad Rudolph · Jun 12, 2011

When using GCC you can use the -isystem flag instead of the -I flag to disable warnings from that location.

So if you’re currently using

gcc -Iparent/path/of/bar …


gcc -isystem parent/path/of/bar …

instead. Unfortunately, this isn’t a particularly fine-grained control. I’m not aware of a more targeted mechanism.