I want to ask question about how to call VB.NET DLL from C++ program
I have tried many times to call VB.NET DLL file from C++ and it is working fine but the problem is I can't call the function of VB.NET DLL file ( I can only load the VB.NET DLL file)
in VB.NET DLL I have the following code:
Public Function example_function1(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
Return 3
End Function
Public Function example_function2(ByVal i As Integer) As Integer
Return 3
End Function
My C++ Code is:
typedef int (__stdcall *ptf_test_func_1_type)(int);
typedef int (__stdcall *ptf_test_func_2_type)(int*);
int i =1;
HINSTANCE dll_instance = LoadLibrary("DLLs7.dll");
int main()
if(dll_instance !=NULL)
printf("The DLLs file has been Loaded \n");
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
ptf_test_func_1_type p_func1=(ptf_test_func_1_type)GetProcAddress(dll_instance,"Class1::example_function1");
ptf_test_func_2_type p_func2=(ptf_test_func_2_type)GetProcAddress(dll_instance,"Class1::example_function2");
// Function No 1 //
if (p_func1 != NULL)
cout << "\nThe function number 1 is " << p_func1(i) << endl;
cout << "\nFailed" << endl;
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
// Function No 2 //
if (p_func2 != NULL)
cout << "\nThe function number 2 is" << p_func2(&i) << endl;
cout << "\nFailed" << endl;
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
printf("\nDLLs file Load Error");
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
My following steps is:
1) I have Created VB.NET DLL.
2) I have Created a new application visual C++ and selected "win32 console application"
3) I have written the code to call the DLL and the functions (as you can see in the above)
did I miss anything in the steps or code because I can call VB.NET DLL file but I can't call the VB.NET DLL function
as you can see I have written the GETLASTERRIR() to find the ERROR
cout << GetLastError() << endl;
but I found this Error 127 in function when failed and 203 in the call DLL file
can anyone help me
Thank you very much
Since your vb assembly needs a totally different runtime than the 'native' executable, you will need to use some layer in between. This layer may be COM.
You can expose your assembly to the COM subsystem by it's 'ComVisible' property. Then, you should register the assembly to expose it to COM 'subscribers'.
Only then you can #import
the assembly namespace from your c++ code.
Note: this is a very brief version of an msdn article "How to call a managed DLL from native Visual C++ code"
EDIT-- Just tried it out... and it seems to work allright:
C# code
namespace Adder
public interface IAdder
double add(double a1, double a2);
public class Adder : IAdder
public Adder() { }
public double add(double a1, double a2) { return a1 + a2; }
Project settings
[assembly: ComVisible(true)]
[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
(Signing was needed in order to be able to generate the tlb)
C++ code:
#import <adder.tlb> raw_interfaces_only
Adder::IAdderPtr a;
a.CreateInstance( __uuidof( Adder::Adder ) );
double d = 0;
a->add(1.,1., &d);
// note: the method will return a HRESULT;
// the output is stored in a reference variable.