Mock non-virtual method C++ (gmock)

Sasi picture Sasi · Apr 25, 2011 · Viewed 24.1k times · Source

I have class

class CSumWnd : public CBaseWnd

 bool MethodA()

Please can you help how to mock MethodA() without making virtual, I didn't understand the concept of hi-perf dependency injection


beduin picture beduin · Apr 25, 2011

It means you will have to templatize your production code. Using your example:

CSumWind class definition:

class CSumWnd : public CBaseWnd

 bool MethodA()

Mocked CSumWnd class definition:

class MockCSumWnd : public CBaseWnd

 MOCK_METHOD(MethodA, bool());

Production class which have to be tested with mocked class CSumWind. Now it becomes templated to provide using CSumWind class in production code and MockCSumWnd class in tests.

template <class CSumWndClass>
class TestedClass {
   void useSumWnd(const CSumWndClass &a);

  CSumWndClass sumWnd;

Instantiation of TestedClass in production:

TestedClass <CSumWnd> obj;

Instantiation of TestedClass object in test executable:

TestedClass <MockCSumWnd> testObj;