Shared Memory or mmap - Linux C/C++ IPC

Humble Debugger picture Humble Debugger · Jan 29, 2011 · Viewed 33.7k times · Source

The context is Inter-Process-Communication where one process("Server") has to send fixed-size structs to many listening processes("Clients") running on the same machine.

I am very comfortable doing this in Socket Programming. To make the communication between the Server and the Clients faster and to reduce the number of copies, I want to try out using Shared Memory(shm) or mmaps.

The OS is RHEL 64bit.

Since I am a newbie, please suggest which should I use. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me to a book or online resource to learn the same.

Thanks for the answers. I wanted to add that the Server ( Market Data Server ) will typically be receiving multicast data, which will cause it to be "sending" about 200,000 structs per second to the "Clients", where each struct is roughly 100 Bytes. Does shm_open/mmap implementation outperform sockets only for large blocks of data or a large volume of small structs as well ?


Jens Gustedt picture Jens Gustedt · Jan 29, 2011

I'd use mmap together with shm_open to map shared memory into the virtual address space of the processes. This is relatively direct and clean:

  • you identify your shared memory segment with some kind of symbolic name, something like "/myRegion"
  • with shm_open you open a file descriptor on that region
  • with ftruncate you enlarge the segment to the size you need
  • with mmap you map it into your address space

The shmat and Co interfaces have (at least historically) the disadvantage that they may have a restriction in the maximal amount of memory that you can map.

Then, all the POSIX thread synchronization tools (pthread_mutex_t, pthread_cond_t, sem_t, pthread_rwlock_t, ...) have initialization interfaces that allow you to use them in a process shared context, too. All modern Linux distributions support this.

Whether or not this is preferable over sockets? Performance wise it could make a bit of a difference, since you don't have to copy things around. But the main point I guess would be that, once you have initialized your segment, this is conceptually a bit simpler. To access an item you'd just have to take a lock on a shared lock, read the data and then unlock the lock again.

As @R suggests, if you have multiple readers pthread_rwlock_t would probably the best lock structure to use.