What is the meaning of prepended double colon "::"?

rmbianchi picture rmbianchi · Nov 24, 2010 · Viewed 213.3k times · Source

I found this line of a code in a class which I have to modify:

::Configuration * tmpCo = m_configurationDB;//pointer to current db

and I don't know what exactly means the double colon prepended to the class name. Without that I would read: declaration of tmpCo as a pointer to an object of the class Configuration... but the prepended double colon confuses me.

I also found:

typedef ::config::set ConfigSet;


Wyatt Anderson picture Wyatt Anderson · Nov 24, 2010

This ensures that resolution occurs from the global namespace, instead of starting at the namespace you're currently in. For instance, if you had two different classes called Configuration as such:

class Configuration; // class 1, in global namespace
namespace MyApp
    class Configuration; // class 2, different from class 1
    function blah()
        // resolves to MyApp::Configuration, class 2
        // resolves to top-level Configuration, class 1

Basically, it allows you to traverse up to the global namespace since your name might get clobbered by a new definition inside another namespace, in this case MyApp.