Bit Array in C++

Seth picture Seth · Sep 27, 2010 · Viewed 48.2k times · Source

When working with Project Euler problems I often need large (> 10**7) bit array's.

My normal approach is one of:

bool* sieve = new bool[N];

bool sieve[N];

When N = 1,000,000 my program uses 1 MegaByte (8 * 1,000,000 bits).

Is there a more efficient way to use store bit arrays than bool in c++?


Prasoon Saurav picture Prasoon Saurav · Sep 27, 2010

Use std::bitset (if N is a constant) otherwise use std::vector<bool> as others have mentioned (but dont forget reading this excellent article by Herb Sutter)

A bitset is a special container class that is designed to store bits (elements with only two possible values: 0 or 1, true or false, ...).

The class is very similar to a regular array, but optimizing for space allocation: each element occupies only one bit (which is eight times less than the smallest elemental type in C++: char).


Herb Sutter (in that article) mentions that

The reason std::vector< bool > is nonconforming is that it pulls tricks under the covers in an attempt to optimize for space: Instead of storing a full char or int for every bool[1] (taking up at least 8 times the space, on platforms with 8-bit chars), it packs the bools and stores them as individual bits(inside, say, chars) in its internal representation.

std::vector < bool > forces a specific optimization on all users by enshrining it in the standard. That's not a good idea; different users have different requirements, and now all users of vector must pay the performance penalty even if they don't want or need the space savings.


And if you have used Boost you can use boost::dynamic_bitset(if N is known at runtime)