Reading Variable from .mat file in C++

nabeel picture nabeel · Apr 4, 2016 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

I am making a program in which, I am doing some processing in matlab then save the result in .mat file using following command in matlab,

save data x;

let suppose value of x=2,

Now I am reading the same data.mat file from C++ program in Visual studio 2010. My program is compiling and I can also read the name of arrays and its dimensions perfectly,.. Now the problem is when I am using following command, I cannot read the exact value of x. It is showing me some random values each time I run the program.

variable = matGetNextVariable(pmat, &name);

right now value of variable =50779048..

Kindly guide me where I am making mistakes. the value of variable should be 2, because I have saved 2 from matlab cammand..

I already check this question but it seems nobody answered it, Reading .mat file in C++

void main(int argc, char **argv)
    MATFile *pmat;
    const char* name=NULL;
    mxArray *pa;

    /* open mat file and read it's content */
    pmat = matOpen("data.mat", "r");
    if (pmat == NULL) 
        printf("Error Opening File: \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);

    /* Read in each array. */
    pa = matGetNextVariable(pmat, &name);
    while (pa!=NULL)
        * Diagnose array pa
        printf("\nArray %s has %d dimensions.", name, 

        //print matrix elements
        printf("\ndata %d",pa);

        //get next variable
        pa = matGetNextVariable(pmat,&name);

        //printf("\ndata %d",pa);
        //destroy allocated matrix


Thank you.


nabeel picture nabeel · Apr 4, 2016

After doing a lot of search again, I found the answer. Somebody already asked the questioned but in different way, Following is the link of answer. I hope it might help others. Matlab API reading .mat file from c++, using STL container