Building an unordered map with tuples as keys

D R picture D R · Aug 31, 2010 · Viewed 17.2k times · Source

In a C++ program with Boost, I am trying to build an unordered map whose keys are tuples of doubles:

typedef boost::tuples::tuple<double, double, double, double> Edge;
typedef boost::unordered_map< Edge, int > EdgeMap;

Initializing the map completes OK, however, when I try to populate it with keys and values

EdgeMap map;
Edge key (0.0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.1);
map[key] = 1;

I encounter the following error message:

/usr/include/boost/functional/hash/extensions.hpp:176: error: no matching function for call to ‘hash_value(const boost::tuples::tuple<double, double, double, double, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type>&)’

I presume this is because I need to specify a hash function for the tuple keys. How can I do that?


Following the suggestions below, I wrote the following implementation:

#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>

typedef boost::tuples::tuple<double, double, double, double> Edge;

struct ihash
    : std::unary_function<Edge, std::size_t>
    std::size_t operator()(Edge const& e) const
        std::size_t seed = 0;
        boost::hash_combine( seed, e.get<0>() );
        boost::hash_combine( seed, e.get<1>() );
        boost::hash_combine( seed, e.get<2>() );
        boost::hash_combine( seed, e.get<3>() );
        return seed;

struct iequal_to
    : std::binary_function<Edge, Edge, bool>
    bool operator()(Edge const& x, Edge const& y) const
        return ( x.get<0>()==y.get<0>() &&
                 x.get<1>()==y.get<1>() &&
                 x.get<2>()==y.get<2>() &&

typedef boost::unordered_map< Edge, int, ihash, iequal_to > EdgeMap;

int main() {

    EdgeMap map;
    Edge key (0.0, 0.1, 1.1, 1.1);
    map[key] = 1;

    return 0;

Is it possible to shorten it?


Matthieu M. picture Matthieu M. · Sep 1, 2010

Actually, you could perfectly define a general hash function for boost::tuple. The only requirement is that it lives within the same namespace so that it is picked up by ADL.

I am actually surprised that they did not already write one.

namespace boost { namespace tuples {

  namespace detail {

    template <class Tuple, size_t Index = length<Tuple>::value - 1>
    struct HashValueImpl
      static void apply(size_t& seed, Tuple const& tuple)
        HashValueImpl<Tuple, Index-1>::apply(seed, tuple);
        boost::hash_combine(seed, tuple.get<Index>());

    template <class Tuple>
    struct HashValueImpl<Tuple,0>
      static void apply(size_t& seed, Tuple const& tuple)
        boost::hash_combine(seed, tuple.get<0>());
  } // namespace detail

  template <class Tuple>
  size_t hash_value(Tuple const& tuple)
    size_t seed = 0;
    detail::HashValueImpl<Tuple>::apply(seed, tuple);
    return seed;

} }

Note: I have only proved it correct, I haven't tested it.