In C++ sometimes I see declarations like below:
return_type function_name( datatype parameter1, datatype parameter2 ) const
{ /*................*/}
What does this const type qualifier exact do in this case?
The const qualifier at the end of a member function declaration indicates that the function can be called on objects which are themselves const. const member functions promise not to change the state of any non-mutable data members.
const member functions can also, of course, be called on non-const objects (and still make the same promise).
Member functions can be overloaded on const-ness as well. For example:
class A {
A(int val) : mValue(val) {}
int value() const { return mValue; }
void value(int newVal) { mValue = newVal; }
int mValue;
A obj1(1);
const A obj2(2);
obj1.value(3); // okay
obj2.value(3); // Forbidden--can't call non-const function on const object
obj1.value(obj2.value()); // Calls non-const on obj1 after calling const on obj2