Unit testing destructors?

Jason Baker picture Jason Baker · Nov 23, 2008 · Viewed 16.8k times · Source

Is there any good way to unit test destructors? Like say I have a class like this (contrived) example:

class X
    int *x;

         x = new int;

         delete x;

    int *getX() {return x;}
    const int *getX() const {return x;}

Is there any good way to unit test this to make sure x gets deleted without cluttering up my hpp file with #ifdef TESTs or breaking encapsulation? The main problem that I'm seeing is that it's difficult to tell if x really got deleted, especially because the object is out of scope at the time the destructor is called.


Steve Jessop picture Steve Jessop · Nov 23, 2008

There may be something to be said for dependency injection. Instead of creating an object (in this case an int, but in a non-contrived case more likely a user-defined type) in its constructor, the object is passed as a parameter to the constructor. If the object is created later, then a factory is passed to the constructor of X.

Then when you're unit testing, you pass in a mock object (or a mock factory which creates mock objects), and the destructor records the fact that it has been called. The test fails if it isn't.

Of course you can't mock (or otherwise replace) a builtin type, so in this particular case it's no good, but if you define the object/factory with an interface then you can.

Checking for memory leaks in unit tests can often be done at a higher level, as others have said. But that only checks that a destructor was called, it doesn't prove that the right destructor was called. So it wouldn't e.g. catch a missing "virtual" declaration on the destructor of the type of the x member (again, not relevant if it's just an int).