Is there a compiler hint for GCC to force branch prediction to always go a certain way?

WilliamKF picture WilliamKF · May 8, 2015 · Viewed 22.9k times · Source

For the Intel architectures, is there a way to instruct the GCC compiler to generate code that always forces branch prediction a particular way in my code? Does the Intel hardware even support this? What about other compilers or hardwares?

I would use this in C++ code where I know the case I wish to run fast and do not care about the slow down when the other branch needs to be taken even when it has recently taken that branch.

for (;;) {
  if (normal) { // How to tell compiler to always branch predict true value?
  } else {

As a follow on question for Evdzhan Mustafa, can the hint just specify a hint for the first time the processor encounters the instruction, all subsequent branch prediction, functioning normally?


Jack picture Jack · May 8, 2015

GCC supports the function __builtin_expect(long exp, long c) to provide this kind of feature. You can check the documentation here.

Where exp is the condition used and c is the expected value. For example in you case you would want

if (__builtin_expect(normal, 1))

Because of the awkward syntax this is usually used by defining two custom macros like

#define likely(x)    __builtin_expect (!!(x), 1)
#define unlikely(x)  __builtin_expect (!!(x), 0)

just to ease the task.

Mind that:

  1. this is non standard
  2. a compiler/cpu branch predictor are likely more skilled than you in deciding such things so this could be a premature micro-optimization