How do I get system up time since the start of the system? All I found was time since epoch and nothing else.
For example, something like time() in ctime library, but it only gives me a value of seconds since epoch. I want something like time() but since the start of the system.
#include<chrono> // for all examples :)
(resolution usually 10-16 millisecond)#include <windows>
// ...
auto uptime = std::chrono::milliseconds(GetTickCount64());
#include <fstream>
// ...
std::chrono::milliseconds uptime(0u);
double uptime_seconds;
if (std::ifstream("/proc/uptime", std::ios::in) >> uptime_seconds)
uptime = std::chrono::milliseconds(
static_cast<unsigned long long>(uptime_seconds*1000.0)
(resolution 1 second)#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
// ...
std::chrono::milliseconds uptime(0u);
struct sysinfo x;
if (sysinfo(&x) == 0)
uptime = std::chrono::milliseconds(
static_cast<unsigned long long>(x.uptime)*1000ULL
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
// ...
std::chrono::milliseconds uptime(0u);
struct timeval ts;
std::size_t len = sizeof(ts);
int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME };
if (sysctl(mib, 2, &ts, &len, NULL, 0) == 0)
uptime = std::chrono::milliseconds(
static_cast<unsigned long long>(ts.tv_sec)*1000ULL +
static_cast<unsigned long long>(ts.tv_usec)/1000ULL
respectively) ...clock_gettime
(resolution see clock_getres
)#include <time.h>
// ...
std::chrono::milliseconds uptime(0u);
struct timespec ts;
if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_UPTIME_PRECISE, &ts) == 0)
uptime = std::chrono::milliseconds(
static_cast<unsigned long long>(ts.tv_sec)*1000ULL +
static_cast<unsigned long long>(ts.tv_nsec)/1000000ULL