is there a vm that i can do opengl 3+ with? virtualbox and vmware don't

user1026169 picture user1026169 · Dec 19, 2014 · Viewed 12.3k times · Source

I am trying to write some openFrameworks (C++) code in a VM. My host is Windows 8 and I've tried both Arch Linux and Ubuntu guests. My host computer runs the graphics code just fine with an NVidia Optimus setup and 8GB of RAM.

I do my main development in Visual Studio, however I do prefer to create Android and test packages from Linux. For this reason I just want to fire up a VM and take care of business. The problem is that some of my graphics apps need OpenGL 3+

Has anybody else had the same problem and solved it?


FooMonkey picture FooMonkey · Mar 25, 2017

Give up on VirtualBox. VB's OpenGL guest support craps out at 2.1, even then only after you install VB Guest Additions from the command line with switches and then add some Registry keys to actually enable the OpenGL guest drivers.

If you're willing to shell out money, VMware Fusion for Mac and VMware Workstation for Windows both support DirectX 10 and OpenGL 3.3.