I am trying to create QByteArray from QImage, however although I tried lots of varient, I couldn't handle it.
What I am doing is :
QImage img_enrll; // <--- There is an image coming from another function.
QByteArray arr((char*)img_enrll.bits(),img_enrll.byteCount()); // <-- convertion but I am not sure it is true or not.
funcCheck((unsigned char*)arr.data(), arr.size(), 0, &sam, 1, &n);
virtual Error funcCheck (const uint8_t src[],
size_t src_len,
size_t tout_ms,
IRawSample* dst[],
size_t dst_len,
size_t* dst_n )
However Error code is return Invalid Data. I think that converting QImage to QByteArray is wrong. Please could you kindly help me how to convert to QByteArray?
You could do this:
QImage img_enrll;
QByteArray arr;
QBuffer buffer(&arr);
img_enrll.save(&buffer, "yourformat");
Having written that, if you need this for serialization, you are better of with QDataStream.