MinGW c++ compiler zlib1.dll missing error?

GamefanA picture GamefanA · Aug 28, 2014 · Viewed 59.8k times · Source

I have just started to learn C++ for school, and I'm trying to download the compiler MinGW to compile my source code. However, every time I try to compile a program an error message shows up saying that zlib1.dll is missing.

This is the error message

the program can't start because zlib1.dll is missing from your computer

I have tried installing/re-installing with no luck. I don't know what's the problem here?

Can anyone please help me with this problem as I have some homework that I need to do but I can't without the compiler.



Doug picture Doug · Feb 15, 2015

I had this same problem, but fixed it like this:

  1. I ran the MinGW Installation Manager (e.g. C:\MinGW\libexec\mingw-get\guimain.exe).

  2. I navigated to All Packages -> MinGW -> MinGW Libraries.

  3. I checked the boxes next to mingw32-libz (dev & dll).


  4. I went to Installation -> Apply Changes.

Now everything worked properly.