QString to char* conversion

mawia picture mawia · Mar 26, 2010 · Viewed 185.7k times · Source

I was trying to convert a QString to char* type by the following methods, but they don't seem to work.

//QLineEdit *line=new QLineEdit();{just to describe what is line here}

QString temp=line->text();
char *str=(char *)malloc(10);
QByteArray ba=temp.toLatin1();

Can you elaborate the possible flaw with this method, or give an alternative method?


Eli Bendersky picture Eli Bendersky · Mar 26, 2010

Well, the Qt FAQ says:

int main(int argc, char **argv)
 QApplication app(argc, argv);
  QString str1 = "Test";
  QByteArray ba = str1.toLocal8Bit();
  const char *c_str2 = ba.data();
  printf("str2: %s", c_str2);
  return app.exec();

So perhaps you're having other problems. How exactly doesn't this work?