I'm using a CListCtrl/CListView report view (LVS_REPORT
) in virtual mode (LVS_OWNERDATA
enabled and I encounter ugly flickering. Double buffer have a real effect but it doesn't stop all flickering (without it very slow).
I'm not looking for switching to other controls that would require a high amount of rework (like ObjectListView)
How does the flickering behaves:
It looks like it does clean the background using the default window background color (lightgray) for the area where it has to redraw.
How do I solve the flickering problem?
Try to do the following: - Set Clip Children and Clip Sibling for paremt dialog of List Control. - Make dirived from CListCtrl class. In this class overwrite OnEraseBkgnd. In the OnEraseBkgnd fill with background color area around of visible items of the list. The OnEraseBkgnd can look like:
BOOL CListCtrlEx::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
CBrush br;
CRect rcCli;
CRect rcItemsRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
int nHeadHeight = 0;
int nItems = GetItemCount();
CHeaderCtrl* pHeadCtrl = GetHeaderCtrl();
if (pHeadCtrl)
CRect rcHead;
nHeadHeight = rcHead.Height();
rcCli.top += nHeadHeight;
if (nItems > 0)
CPoint ptItem;
CRect rcItem;
GetItemRect(nItems - 1, &rcItem, LVIR_BOUNDS);
GetItemPosition(nItems - 1, &ptItem);
rcItemsRect.top = rcCli.top;
rcItemsRect.left = ptItem.x;
rcItemsRect.right = rcItem.right;
rcItemsRect.bottom = rcItem.bottom;
if (GetExtendedStyle() & LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES)
rcItemsRect.left -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE) + 16;
if (rcItemsRect.IsRectEmpty())
pDC->FillRect(rcCli, &br);
if (rcItemsRect.left > rcCli.left) // fill left rectangle
CRect(0, rcCli.top, rcItemsRect.left, rcCli.bottom), &br);
if (rcItemsRect.bottom < rcCli.bottom) // fill bottom rectangle
CRect(0, rcItemsRect.bottom, rcCli.right, rcCli.bottom), &br);
if (rcItemsRect.right < rcCli.right) // fill right rectangle
CRect(rcItemsRect.right, rcCli.top, rcCli.right, rcCli.bottom), &br);
return TRUE;