Using auto and decltype to return reference from function in templated class

duncan picture duncan · Jul 13, 2014 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

How can I coerce a function in a templated class to return a reference to a member variable using auto/decltype?

Here's a trivialized example of what I'm trying to do. Suppose you've got a templated class that stores something in a private member variable, a_ as follows:

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class A
  T a_;

  A(T a) : a_(a) {}

  // 1. Return const reference to a_
  const T & get() const { return a_; }

  // 2. Return non-const reference to a_
  T & get() { return a_; }

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  A<int> a(3);

  const auto & a1 = a.get(); // 1. Return const reference to a_
  //a1 = 4;  // Shouldn't compile
  std::cout << "Value of a = " << a.get() << std::endl;

  auto & a2 = a.get(); // 2. Return non-const reference to a_
  a2 = 5;
  std::cout << "Value of a = " << a.get() << std::endl;

  return 0;

The expected/desired output is:

Value of a = 3
Value of a = 5

But now, suppose I want the compiler to deduce the type returned by the const and non-const get() functions in A<T> and I want to ensure both calls return references to a_.

My best guess is currently:

template <typename T>
class A
  T a_;

  A(T a) : a_(a) {}

  // 1. Return const reference to a_
  const auto get() const -> std::add_lvalue_reference<const decltype(a_)>::type
    return a_;

  // 2. Return non-const reference to a_
  auto get() -> std::add_lvalue_reference<decltype(a_)>::type
    return a_;

but that fails to compile. The first error given by GCC is:

decltype.cpp:11:29: error: expected type-specifier
decltype.cpp:11:26: error: expected ‘;’ at end of member declaration
decltype.cpp:11:29: error: ‘add_lvalue_reference’ in namespace ‘std’ does not name a type

The motivation for this lies outwith my distilled example code, but stems from an attempt to reduce the number of parameters a template takes when one (or more) of those parameters is used solely to specify a return type which the compiler should (I think) be able to deduce by itself. Note: in the real world, the return type of get() is not that of a_, but is the return type of some function f(a_) which I know to be deducible by the compiler. Thus my need for auto/decltype in this example.

The thing that's puzzling me is that the compiler can deduce the return type correctly using near-identical code in a non-templated class:

class A
  int a_;

  A(int a) : a_(a) {}

  // 1. Return const reference to a_
  const auto get() const -> std::add_lvalue_reference<const decltype(a_)>::type
    return a_;

  // 2. Return non-const reference to a_
  auto get() -> std::add_lvalue_reference<decltype(a_)>::type
    return a_;

Any help to understand what I'm missing will be greatly appreciated.


Centos 6.5
gcc (GCC) 4.7.2 20121015 (Red Hat 4.7.2-5)


Stian Svedenborg picture Stian Svedenborg · Jul 13, 2014

Just to mention it, you don't actually have to use std::add_lvalue_reference to get the behaviour you want. This works just as well and is more readable in my book.

template <typename T>
class A {
        T a_; 

        A(T a) : a_(a) {}

        const auto get() const -> const decltype(a_) & {
            return a_; 

        auto get() -> decltype(a_) & {
            return a_; 

int main() {
    A<int> a(1);
    cout << a.get() << endl;
    a.get() = 2;
    cout << a.get() << endl;