I want to append chars to QLineEdit
by sending KeyEvent.
I'm using code like this:
for(size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
QKeyEvent keyPressed(QKeyEvent::KeyPress, 'a', Qt::NoModifier);
QWidget::keyPressEvent(&keyPressed); // or
//QApplication::sendEvent(QApplication::focusWidget(), &keyPressed);
Why there is no change in myEdit
You can change the change the text of QLineEdit
simply by :
But if you really want to change it by sending QKeyEvent
you can try this :
QKeyEvent * eve1 = new QKeyEvent (QEvent::KeyPress,Qt::Key_A,Qt::NoModifier,"a");
QKeyEvent * eve2 = new QKeyEvent (QEvent::KeyRelease,Qt::Key_A,Qt::NoModifier,"a");
qApp->postEvent((QObject*)ui->myEdit,(QEvent *)eve1);
qApp->postEvent((QObject*)ui->myEdit,(QEvent *)eve2);