I'm using Qt and bash over it, need to execute something like:
bash: cat file | grep string
in Qt:
QString cmd = "cat file | grep string";
QProcess *process = new QProcess;
qDebug() << process->readAll();
The problem is in pipe ("|"), and process returs nothing. If there is no ("|"), like
"cat file"
everything is ok. I tried smth. like
"cat file \\| grep string",
"cat file \| grep string"
but result is the same. If I copy the command and run it in bash everything is ok.
and other transforms also have bad result.
The problem is you cannot run a system command with QProcess, but only a single process. So the workaround will be to pass your command as an argument to bash:
process.start("bash", QStringList() << "-c" << "cat file | grep string");