How can I change the output directory in Google glog?
I only found google::SetLogDestination(google::LogSeverity, const char* path)
tried it with:
google::SetLogDestination(ERROR, "C:\\log\\error.log);
but nothing was written!
Btw.: if you suggest another lightweight, easy to use and thread safe library please let me know!
Thx for any help!
You can also do one of the following:
Pass the log directory as a commandline argument as long as you have the GFlgas library installed:
./your_application --log_dir=/some/log/directory
If you don't want to pass it in the commandline and instead set it in the source:
FLAGS_log_dir = "/some/log/directory";
If the Google gflags library isn't installed you can set it as an environment variable:
GLOG_log_dir=/some/log/directory ./your_application