"The application was unable to start correctly" after including vld.h

Zennichimaro picture Zennichimaro · Oct 7, 2013 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

I included vld.h, vld.lib and vld_x86.dll on my Win32 project with visual studio 2010. It builds properly but when I execute, it crashes with this message:

"The application was unable  to start correctly (0xc0150002). Click OK to close the application."

I run it with Dependency Walker but it shows side by side error as follows:

Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information for "D:\project\..\debug\VLD_X86.DLL" contains errors. The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.)

I have tried various ways including tinkering around with the manifest as suggested here:


It only runs properly if I commented the following line on vld.h

// Force a symbolic reference to the global VisualLeakDetector class object from
// the DLL. This ensures that the DLL is loaded and linked with the program,
// even if no code otherwise imports any of the DLL's exports.
//#pragma comment(linker, "/include:__imp_?g_vld@@3VVisualLeakDetector@@A")

However, if I commented out that line, the vld doesn't output anything at all (just like no vld integration)

Anyone having this problem before? Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks in advance!


sler picture sler · Nov 19, 2013

I had this problem too, you need to add all these files to the same directory as your vld_x86.dll/vl_x64.dll:



Which came from the Win32/Win64 bin folder from Visual Leak Detector. Found this from: https://vld.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Building%20Visual%20Leak%20Detector%20from%20Source