So I downloaded, installed, and inserted into path the clang formatting plugin. I also tested it and it works for Google (Mozilla, etc.) formatting options out of the box, yet I cannot get it working with my .clang-format file. (I've put my file into the same folder as my source file, changed its encoding into UTF-8, also tried to put it into clang install folder, add file into project, write its contents inside '{key:value}'
yet formatting does not happen). So how do you feed formatting file to chrome-format extension?
My file contents:
{ BasedOnStyle: "LLVM", IndentWidth: 4 }
My file name:nm.clang-format
Go to Tools->Options->LLVM/Clang->ClangFormat and put file
in the Style option field.
Then place your style file named .clang-format
(this is the full filename, not an extension) either in the source file's directory or one of its parent directories. Windows Explorer won't let you create filenames with leading .
so you need to go to the console for this.