Is it possible to see the content of a dynamically allocated array, as in:
int *array = new int[dimension];
I only see the value of the pointer.
edit: just found the option "display as an array", but I always have to manually enter the size of the array. Is it possible to get that automagically?
In Eclipse, in order to see the content of a dynamically allocated array (for anyone else who stumbles over this question),
And, dealing with a pointer, take note of clicking 'Display as Array' when hovering on the pointer itself (arrow icon), and not on the value it is referenced at first (say in the position of (x)= counts
in the picture).
Otherwise you get an error of the type
Failed to execute MI command:
-data-evaluate-expression [specifics]
Error message from debugger back end:
Cannot access memory at address 0x[address of older*counts
showing up in the dialogue window just below the list (starting with "Name:" in the screenshot above).