Qt (Creator) with WinSocks (ws2_32)

Berschi picture Berschi · Nov 16, 2009 · Viewed 19k times · Source

I want to use an older code-fragment in my Qt-project, which is using WinSocks.
I created my program with Qt Creator and I don't know, how I can link to the ws2_32-Library. I already added LIBS += -lws2_32 to my .pro, but nothing happened. So how can I link to this library?

edit: Where can I find the ws2_32.lib to include it? Do I have to download it first? I know it comes with "Visual Studio", but I don't use it and I don't want to use it.


Berschi picture Berschi · Nov 23, 2009

ok, when you know it, it's really simple.The Qt-SDK comes with a WinSock2-Library, called libws2_32.a.The only thing you have to do, is to enter this line in your .pro:

LIBS += C:\Qt\2009.04\mingw\lib\libws2_32.a

this includes the winsock2-library to your project and you have nothing else to do.

You may do this slightly more simply by using this line in your .pro:

LIBS += -lws2_32