what is the difference between set and unordered_set in C++?

Ajeet Ganga picture Ajeet Ganga · Apr 18, 2013 · Viewed 27.8k times · Source

Came across this good question, which is similar but not at all same since it talks about Java, which has different implementation of hash-tables, by virtue of having synchronized accessor /mutators Differences between HashMap and Hashtable?

So what is the difference in C++ implementation of set and unordered_set ? This question can be ofcourse extended to map vs unordered_map and so on for other C++ containers.

Here is my initial assessment

set : While standard doesnt explicitly asks it to be implemented as trees, the time-complexity constraint asked for its operations for find/insert, means it will always be implemented as tree. Usually as RB tree (as seen in GCC 4.8), which is height-balanced. Since they are height balanced, they have predictable time-complexity for find()

Pros : Compact (compared to other DS in comparison)

Con : Access time complexity is O(lg n)

unordered_set : While standard doesnt explicitly asks it to be implemented as trees, the time-complexity constraint asked for its operations for find/insert, means it will always be implemented as hash-table.

Pros :

  1. Faster (promises amortized O(1) for search)
  2. Easy to convert basic primitives to thread-safe, as compared to tree-DS

Cons :

  1. Look up not guaranteed to be O(1) Therotical worst case is O(n)
  2. Not as compact as tree. (for practical purposes load factors is never 1)

Note : The O(1), for hashtable comes from the assumption that there are no collision. Even with load-factor of .5, every second variable insertion is leading to collision. It could be observed that the load-factor of hash-table is inversely proportional to the number of operations required for accessing a element in it. More we reduce #operations, sparser hash-table. When the element stored are of size comparable to pointer, then overhead is quite significant.

Edit : Since most are saying question contains sufficient answer in it, I am changing the question to "Did I miss any difference between map/set for performance analysis that one should know ??"


Yuushi picture Yuushi · Apr 18, 2013

I think you've generally answered your own question, however, this:

Not as compact as tree. (for practical purposes load factors is never 1)

is not necessarily true. Each node of a tree (we'll assume it's a red-black tree) for a type T utilizes space that is equal to at least 2 * pointer_size + sizeof(T) + sizeof(bool). This may be 3 * pointer size depending on whether the tree contains a parent pointer for each tree node.

Compare this to a hash-map: there will be wasted array space for each hash map due to the fact that load factor < 1 as you've said. However, assuming the hash map uses singly linked lists for chaining (and really, there's no real reason not to), each element inserted take only sizeof(T) + pointer size.

Note that this analysis ignores any overhead which may come from extra space used by alignment.

For any element T which has a small size (so, any basic type), the size of the pointers and other overhead dominates. At a load factor of > 0.5 (for example) the std::unordered_set may indeed use up less memory than the equivalent std::set.

The other big missing point is the fact that iterating through a std::set is guaranteed to produce an ordering from smallest to largest, based on the given comparison function, while iterating through an std::unordered_set will return the values in a "random" order.