In regards to POS (Point of Sale) Terminal Application Development, I would like to know, at least, one of these info (any experience and link to related websites would be appreciated as well):
I want just share my experience about POS development.
1.most common SDK for such terminals (probably proprietary ones)
First, choose your device, for example you can write an application for Castles/VEGA7000. Go to the related site and download SDKs. There is a SDK under Cygwin for Castles/VEGA7000.
2.most common languages, compilers and DB that is used (maybe C/C++, GCC, SQLite?)
For example, Castles/VEGA7000 supports standard C. design patterns to use
I don't remember any special case which needs a specific design pattern. Think like normal PC programs.
4.most common IDE
The mentioned SDK has a plugin for Netbeans.
5.Testing framework
I can not help any more in this case!
If it helps, I can show you a Hello-World sample of Castles/VEGA7000:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctosapi.h>
#include <ctos_newlib_startup.h>
int main()
BYTE key;
sysheap_setup ( 256 * 1024 );
CTOS_LCDTPrint("Hello World!");
return 1;
After compile, It generates a binary file named xyz.s19
then you should make a CAP file and write it on the device. The SDK has a tool for it.