The basic Google search bigobj issue shows that a lot of people are experiencing the Fatal Error C1128: "number of sections exceeded object file format limit : compile with /bigobj". The error has more chance to occur if one heavily uses a library of C++ templates, like Boost libraries or CGAL libraries.
That error is strange, because it gives the solution to itself: set the compiler flag /bigobj
So here is my question: why is not that flag set by default? There must be a penalty of using that flag, otherwise it would be set by default. That penalty is not documented in MSDN. Does anybody have a clue?
I ask the question because I wonder if the configuration system of CGAL should not set /bigobj
by default.
The documentation does mention an important drawback to /bigobj
Linkers that shipped prior to Visual C++ 2005 cannot read .obj files that were produced with
So, setting this option by default would restrict the number of linkers that can consume the resulting object files. Better to activate it on a need-to basis.