How can i compile my app linking statically glibc library, but only the code needed for my app? (Not all lib)
Now my compile command:
g++ -o newserver test.cpp ... -lboost_system -lboost_thread -std=c++0x
That's what -static
does (as described in another answer): unneeded modules won't get linked into your program. But your expectations on the amount of stuff which is needed (in a sense that we can't convince linker to the contrary) may be too optimistic.
If you trying to do it for portability (running an executable on other machines with older glibc or something like that), there is one easy test question to see if you're going to get what you want:
Did you think of the problem with libnss
, and are you sure it is not going to bite you?
If your answer is yes, maybe it makes sense to go on. If the answer is no, or the question seems too obscure and there is no answer, just quit your expirements with statically linked glibc: it has more chance to hurt than help.