I have a problem. I load the whole file and then getline through it to get some info. However in the map format there may be 0 or 20 "lines" with the info. I need to know how to getline through std::string. There is a function (source stream, destination string, decimal) but I need (source string, destination string, decimal). Searching in streams isn't possible in C++ (only using many temp string and extracting and inserting many times, it's unclear and I don't want to do it that messy way). So I want to know how to getline from a std::string.
You seem to want std::istringstream
, which is in the header <sstream>
std::string some_string = "...";
std::istringstream iss(some_string);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(iss, line))
// Do something with `line`