convert std::bind to function pointer

Nico Schertler picture Nico Schertler · Nov 5, 2012 · Viewed 32.3k times · Source

I have a third-party library which has a method that takes a function pointer as the first parameter:

int third_party_method(void (*func)(double*, double*, int, int, double*), ...);

I want to pass a pointer to a class' method that is declared as follows:

class TestClass
        void myFunction (double*, double*, int, int, void*);

I tried to pass this function as follows:

TestClass* tc = new TestClass();
using namespace std::placeholders;
third_party_method(std::bind(&TestClass::myFunction, tc, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5), ...);

However, this does not compile:

Conversion of parameter 1 from 'std::tr1::_Bind<_Result_type,_Ret,_BindN>' to 'void (__cdecl *)(double *,double *,int,int,void *)' is not possible
    _BindN=std::tr1::_Bind6<std::tr1::_Callable_pmf<void (__thiscall TestClass::* const )(double *,double *,int,int,void *),TestClass,false>,TestClass *,std::tr1::_Ph<1>,std::tr1::_Ph<2>,std::tr1::_Ph<3>,std::tr1::_Ph<4>,std::tr1::_Ph<5>>

Is there any way I can pass the member to the function?


Evgeny Panasyuk picture Evgeny Panasyuk · Nov 5, 2012

Is there any way I can pass the member to the function?

Unless your class object is some kind of global object - it is not possible. Because objects may contain some data, while function pointer is just pointer to function - it doesn't contain any runtime context, only compile-time one.

If you accept having compile-time unique IDs for each callback passing, then you can use following generalized approach.


void test(void (*fptr)())

struct SomeStruct
    int data;
    void some_method()
        cout << data << endl;
    void another_method()
        cout << -data << endl;

int main()
    SomeStruct local[] = { {11}, {22}, {33} };

    test(get_wrapper<0>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::some_method,local[0]) ));
    test(get_wrapper<1>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::another_method,local[0]) ));

    test(get_wrapper<2>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::some_method,local[1]) ));
    test(get_wrapper<3>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::another_method,local[1]) ));

    test(get_wrapper<4>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::some_method,local[2]) ));
    test(get_wrapper<5>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::another_method,local[2]) ));

It may not require Unique ID's for each invocation, for instance because Functors may already have different types, or runtime scope of their usage do not overlap. But it is safer to use unique ID each time.


live demo

#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;

template<unsigned ID,typename Functor>
boost::optional<Functor> &get_local()
    static boost::optional<Functor> local;
    return local;

template<unsigned ID,typename Functor>
typename Functor::result_type wrapper()
    return get_local<ID,Functor>().get()();

template<typename ReturnType>
struct Func
    typedef ReturnType (*type)();

template<unsigned ID,typename Functor>
typename Func<typename Functor::result_type>::type get_wrapper(Functor f)
    (get_local<ID,Functor>()) = f;
    return wrapper<ID,Functor>;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

void test(void (*fptr)())

struct SomeStruct
    int data;
    void some_method()
        cout << data << endl;
    void another_method()
        cout << -data << endl;

int main()
    SomeStruct local[] = { {11}, {22}, {33} };

    test(get_wrapper<0>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::some_method,local[0]) ));
    test(get_wrapper<1>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::another_method,local[0]) ));

    test(get_wrapper<2>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::some_method,local[1]) ));
    test(get_wrapper<3>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::another_method,local[1]) ));

    test(get_wrapper<4>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::some_method,local[2]) ));
    test(get_wrapper<5>(  boost::bind(&SomeStruct::another_method,local[2]) ));

P.S. Beaware of multi-thread access - in such cases you should use some kind of Thread-local storage data.