Detailed guide on using gcov with CMake/CDash?

Ralph Zhang picture Ralph Zhang · Oct 29, 2012 · Viewed 33.3k times · Source

I'm using CMake with my project and set up a cdash server for continuous/nightly building. Everything works well and by setting up a crontab, we have hourly/nightly build/test results uploaded to our cdash server automatically.

My next step is to add test coverage report to the build. I find the document here but frankly it's a bit far from a practical guide.

Currently I've added the required flag (instead of -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage, I find --coverage better), the compilation process generates .gcno files. But then I'm stuck. The command

make NightlyCoverage

doesn't seem to do anything. Could anybody tell me what is the next to do? The result that I want, is by doing make NightlyCoverage, coverage reports are generated and uploaded to cdash server.


rcomblen picture rcomblen · May 14, 2013

I've been using successfully.

Just followed the guidelines: added the files to my CMAKE_MODULE_PATH directory, added

    setup_target_for_coverage(${PROJECT_NAME}_coverage ${PROJECT_TEST_NAME} coverage)

in my CMakeLists.txt. I also added manually gcov as a dependency for my target:

    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_TEST_NAME} gcov)

With this, I just type

make my_project_coverage

and I get the html report in the coverage directory of my build tree.