I have subclassed QDialog
to implement functionality similar to QMessageBox
( I needed this to allow for customization). It has a text message and OK, Cancel buttons. I am showing the dialog using exec()
to make it blocking. Now, how do I return values of true/false when the user clicks on OK/Cancel?
I tried connecting the buttons to setResult()
and then, return the result value when clicked, but
class MyMessageBox : public QDialog {
private slots:
void onOKButtonClicked() { this->setResult(QDialog::Accepted); }
void onCancelButtonClicked() { this->setResult(QDialog::Rejected); }
MyMessageBox(QMessageBox::Icon icon, const QString& title,
const QString& text, bool showCancelButton = true,
QWidget* parent = 0);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e);
QDialog::DialogCode showYourself()
return static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(this->result());
The user will instantiate the class and call showYourself()
which is expected to return the value and also close(and delete) the dialog.
I have posted partial code. Let me know if you need more and I will post the complete version.
Some points :
yourself, use QDialog::accept() and QDialog::reject(). onOKButtonClicked
and onCancelButtonClicked
are unnecessary.showYourself()
. Just call exec
and with the events
information will flow.You need to add this code before showing the dialog (this
assume it is in a dialog method):
QObject::connect(acceptButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
QObject::connect(rejectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
In the caller object you have
void someInitFunctionOrConstructor(){
QObject::connect(mydialog, SIGNAL(finished (int)), this, SLOT(dialogIsFinished(int)));
void dialogIsFinished(int){ //this is a slot
if(result == QDialog::Accepted){
//do something
//do another thing