How to print member function address in C++

EFanZh picture EFanZh · Jun 20, 2012 · Viewed 14k times · Source

It looks like std::cout can't print member function's address, for example:

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class TestClass
  void MyFunc(void);

  void PrintMyFuncAddress(void);

void TestClass::MyFunc(void)

void TestClass::PrintMyFuncAddress(void)
  printf("%p\n", &TestClass::MyFunc);
  cout << &TestClass::MyFunc << endl;

int main(void)
  TestClass a;


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

the result is something like this:


How can I print MyFunc's address using std::cout?


templatetypedef picture templatetypedef · Jun 20, 2012

I don't believe that there are any facilities provided by the language for doing this. There are overloads for operator << for streams to print out normal void* pointers, but member function pointers are not convertible to void*s. This is all implementation-specific, but typically member function pointers are implemented as a pair of values - a flag indicating whether or not the member function is virtual, and some extra data. If the function is a non-virtual function, that extra information is typically the actual member function's address. If the function is a virtual function, that extra information probably contains data about how to index into the virtual function table to find the function to call given the receiver object.

In general, I think this means that it's impossible to print out the addresses of member functions without invoking undefined behavior. You'd probably have to use some compiler-specific trick to achieve this effect.

Hope this helps!