Im developing a custom browser solution with .net's Webbrowser control. To disable the IE-Compatibilty View, I set the registry entry Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION:
[Sreenshot regedit] "Screenshot"
i tried to use the values: dword=8000,dword=8888,dword=9000, but the webbrowser control seems to ignore these reg entries.
Maybe someone had this problems too and may help me.
The WebBrowser control definately DOES respect these keys.
Remember that while taskman may show application.exe in the name column, if you are debugging the exe name is application.vshost.exe
So in my application sI just attempt to create the key every time the app runs. If it fails to create it (because it already exists) then I continue running, if it creates the key then I inform the user that they need to restart the application.