Good day,
IDE Visual Studio 2010
.NET 3.5
Platform WinForms
The SO question " difference between getting value from DataRow " refers.
I have a database table with a column [ID] INT IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
. When querying this table and storing the values in local variables I get an invalid cast exception; sample code:
string sQuery = @"
SELECT [ID], [Description]
FROM [Sources]
ORDER BY [Description] ";
using (DataTable dtSources = SQLHelper.Fetch(sQuery))
foreach (DataRow drSource in dtSources.Rows)
int iID = drSource.Field<int>("ID"); // InvalidCastException
string sDescrption = drSource.Field<string>("Description");
When stepping the execution and performing a "Quick Watch" on the faulty line I discovered that, by changing the line to drSource.Field<object>("ID")
, the cell value type is that of short
and not of int
. Why would this happen when, in the table definition, this is clearly and int
? Furthermore, short
should be implicitly converted to int
since short
is smaller and should "fit" right?
If your column is a nullable int, but you are trying to assign to an int, with a default value of 0 :
using (DataTable dtSources = SQLHelper.Fetch(sQuery))
foreach (DataRow drSource in dtSources.Rows)'
int iID = drSource.Field<int?>("ID") ?? 0;
string sDescrption = drSource.Field<string>("Description");
If your column is a nullable int, and you want to assign to a nullable int :
using (DataTable dtSources = SQLHelper.Fetch(sQuery))
foreach (DataRow drSource in dtSources.Rows)
int? iID = drSource.Field<int?>("ID");
string sDescrption = drSource.Field<string>("Description");