Waiting for system to delete file

kr85 picture kr85 · Feb 21, 2012 · Viewed 14.7k times · Source

I had a problem with refreshing file list after deleting a file. When I gave command to delete file, the exception was thrown because the refresh method tried to access a file that was supposed to be deleted.

After some thought and debuging I came to conclusion that problem was in a fact that system needs some time to delete a file. And I solve it like this:

//Deleting file
//Refreshing list

and it worked fine.

My question is

Is there a more elegant way to wait for system do delete file and then continue with code...?


Mike G picture Mike G · Nov 3, 2015

This works for me:

public static void DeleteFile(String fileToDelete)
    var fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(fileToDelete);
    if (fi.Exists)
        while (fi.Exists)
        {    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100);

I find that most of the time, the while loop will not be entered.