I have to 2 process excel. For example:
1) example1.xlsx 2) example2.xlsx
How to kill first "example1.xlsx"?
I use this code:
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
if (clsProcess.ProcessName.Equals("EXCEL")) //Process Excel?
That kill a both. I wanna kill just one... Thank you.
The ProcessMainWindow Title will do it for you, it appends "Microsoft Excel - " to the name of the file:
So essentially (quick code):
private void KillSpecificExcelFileProcess(string excelFileName)
var processes = from p in Process.GetProcessesByName("EXCEL")
select p;
foreach (var process in processes)
if (process.MainWindowTitle == "Microsoft Excel - " + excelFileName)
Edit: Tested and verified to work.