Currently I'm developing some infrastructure and I've implemented my own RESTful authentication mechanism.
Now I've in mind that maybe I shouldn't go this way and use an industry standard so interoperability with my project could be trivial and easier to understand in terms of authentication and authorization.
After checking some articles googling everywhere and reading some Q&A here in Stackoverflow, I don't find how to be an OpenID provider - I'm not talking about authenticate users using Google, Windows Live, Facebook Connect and so, I want to develop an OpenID-enabled system so if some want to register into my services, they'll do in my own domain -.
Actually my question is: can anyone become an OpenID provider and is DotNetOpenAuth a library to develop this protocol in your own infrastructure?
Thank you.
Developing an OpenID Provider as a means of Single-Sign-On (SSO) within an organizations ring of web sites is a very valid scenario. DotNetOpenAuth comes with a pair of sample web sites (a Provider and a Relying Party) that demonstrate a single-sign-on relationship. They're called OpenIdWebRingSsoProvider and OpenIdWebRingSsoRelyingParty.
Please do not attempt to implement OpenID by yourself any more than you'd implement SSL by yourself. Getting OpenID security and interoperability just right takes a very long time and a deep level of domain knowledge. DotNetOpenAuth in particular gives you programmatic access to do just about anything you'd want to with OpenID, and since it's free, it's hard to go wrong.
Disclosure: I am a developer behind DotNetOpenAuth.