How to decide where to store per-user state? Registry? AppData? Isolated Storage?

Cheeso picture Cheeso · May 19, 2009 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

When should the Windows Registry be used for per-user state, and when should we use the filesystem, particularly the user's AppData folder? (eg, C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData). Where does Isolated Storage come in?

Is there a pretty firm rule, or is it just a fuzzy thing, like "use the registry until it becomes too much data to store in the registry". or "use whatever you feel like using."

Are there Windows logo requirements that affect the decision?

If I use the AppData directory, how do I choose between Local, Roaming and LocalLow ?

edit: I just noticed these similar questions:

I will summarize replies.


Nir picture Nir · May 19, 2009

If you have a small number of key/value pairs and the values aren't big the registry is great - and you don't care about xcopy deployment - then use the registry (I know this isn't exact, but it's usually obvious when working with the registry becomes a pain).

If you want xcopy deployment the data must be in the same folder as the program obviously - but the program can be somewhere under the AppData folder, it doesn't have to be under "program files".

Use isolated storage only when you need it or have to use it - for example ClickOnce.

Otherwise use AppData\Roaming, use Local or LocalLow only if you have a good reason.

EDIT: Here is the difference between Roaming, Local and LocalLow:

Windows has a little known feature called "roaming profiles", the general idea is that in a corporate environment with this feature enabled any user can use any computer.

When a user logs in his private settings are downloaded from the server and when he logs out his settings are uploaded back to the server (the actual process is more complicated, obviously).

Files in the User's "Roaming" folder in Vista or "Application Data" in XP move around with the user - so any settings and data should be stored there.

Files under "Local" and "LocalLow" in vista and "Local Settings" in XP do not, so it's a good place for temp files, things that are tied to the specific computer or data that can be recalculated.

In Vista, as part of the new security features we all know and love, you can have programs running in "low integrity mode" (for example IE in protected mode), those programs are running with reduced privileges and can't access files in the user's profile - except for files under the "LocalLow" folder.

So, in conclusion, files stored in "LocalLow" are inherently insecure and files in "Local"/"Local Settings" are likely to be unavailable in some large companies - so unless you have good reason and know exactly what you are doing go with "Roaming"/"Application Data".