I'm writing an app (in C#) which as a part of it must simulate and send some key strokes to another application. I'm using http://inputsimulator.codeplex.com/ project for simulating keys, and it works in many applications, but in some it doesn't - i.e. Mortal Combat 4.
I've googled about it, and found many answers varying from 'it's impossible' to 'you must use XXX library' etc. Those answered scared me a lot, and even nearly convinced I'm not able to do it at that time, BUT...
M$ Virtual Keyboard works. It works in ALL applications. So it IS possible... Does anyone of you, clever guys, know how can I achieve this?
Ok, I think I finally got it to work. I used API Monitor recommended by Neal P and it showed just minimal differences between OSK calls and mine. A bit later I've tried to make my calling thread sleep some time between sending messages with press and release key and that was it.