How to load .dds files into a picturebox?

Ivan Prodanov picture Ivan Prodanov · May 14, 2009 · Viewed 12k times · Source

How do I load .dds texture files as an Image in C#? There's nothing useful on google that I could find.

The more information with samples you give me,the better it will be for me to understand it.


Brian Webster picture Brian Webster · Oct 17, 2009

I had the same issue. Here is a good solution.

  1. Source:
  2. Download Version 1.3 from that link (bottom of page)
  3. Add the Devil.NET.dll as a reference to your application
  4. Use the code that I have supplied below.

    PictureBox1.Image = DevIL.DevIL.LoadBitmap(DDS_File_Path)

It's really that easy. We owe the DevIL .NET Wrapper creator a beer.