.Net (dotNet) wrappers for OpenCV?

Kris Erickson picture Kris Erickson · Sep 17, 2008 · Viewed 54.1k times · Source

I've seen there are a few of them. opencvdotnet, SharperCV, EmguCV, One on Code Project.

Does anyone have any experience with any of these? I played around with the one on Code Project for a bit, but as soon as I tried to do anything complicated I got some nasty uncatchable exceptions (i.e. Msgbox exceptions). Cross platform (supports Mono) would be best.


friism picture friism · Oct 5, 2008

I started out with opencvdotnet but it's not really actively developed any more. Further, support for the feature I needed (facedetection) was patchy. I'm using EmguCV now: It wraps a much greater part of the API and the guy behind it is very responsive to suggestions and requests. The code is a joy to look at and is known to work on Mono.

I've wrote up a quick getting-started guide on my blog.