How to make a simple dynamic proxy in C#

AK_ picture AK_ · Dec 5, 2011 · Viewed 54.7k times · Source

I want to build a dynamic proxy object to add certain functionality to an object.

basically i want to receive an object, wrap it with an object that looks identical to the original i got, and intercept all the calls.

class Wrapper : DynamicProxy// dynamic proxy is not a reall class, but i guess something like this exists...
    public static T Wrap(T obj)
        return (T) new Wrapper(obj);

    public override object InterceptCall(MethodInfo info, object[] args)
        // do stuff


Just to clarify, I want to do something similar to the WCF channel factory...

I'm adding a bounty, because I need a good way to proxy classes (not interfaces) and to handle non virtual methods (as if I inherited and added a methond under the "new" keyword). I'm sure all this is very possible as the .Net does it.


albertjan picture albertjan · Dec 5, 2011

You could do this with a combination of DynamicObject and ImpromptuInterface but you will have to have an Interface that implements the functions and properties you want to proxy.

public interface IDoStuff
    void Foo();

public class Wrapper<T> : DynamicObject
    private readonly T _wrappedObject;

    public static T1 Wrap<T1>(T obj) where T1 : class
        if (!typeof(T1).IsInterface)
            throw new ArgumentException("T1 must be an Interface");

        return new Wrapper<T>(obj).ActLike<T1>();

    //you can make the contructor private so you are forced to use the Wrap method.
    private Wrapper(T obj)
        _wrappedObject = obj;

    public override bool TryInvokeMember(InvokeMemberBinder binder, object[] args, out object result)
            //do stuff here

            //call _wrappedObject object
            result = _wrappedObject.GetType().GetMethod(binder.Name).Invoke(_wrappedObject, args);
            return true;
            result = null;
            return false;

You could of course choose to lose the type-safety and go with a DynamicObject like I showed and then drop the duck-casting.

I made a transparant extendible version of this object proxy, and open-sourced it here.