Does anyone know how to pass multiple parameters into a Thread.Start routine?
I thought of extending the class, but the C# Thread class is sealed.
Here is what I think the code would look like:
Thread standardTCPServerThread = new Thread(startSocketServerAsThread);
standardServerThread.Start( orchestrator, initializeMemberBalance, arg, 60000);
static void startSocketServerAsThread(ServiceOrchestrator orchestrator, List<int> memberBalances, string arg, int port)
startSocketServer(orchestrator, memberBalances, arg, port);
BTW, I start a number of threads with different orchestrators, balances and ports. Please consider thread safety also.
Try using a lambda expression to capture the arguments.
Thread standardTCPServerThread =
new Thread(
unused => startSocketServerAsThread(initializeMemberBalance, arg, 60000)