i need associate a entity property Address in my Person class entity with expressions linq in my FactoryEntities class using pattern factory idea, look this is what I have and I want to do:
Address address = new Address();
address.Country = "Chile";
address.City = "Santiago";
address.ZipCode = "43532";
//Factory instance creation object
//This is idea
Person person = new FactoryEntity<Person>().AssociateWithEntity(p=>p.Address, address);
public class Person: Entity
public string Name{ get; set; }
public string LastName{ get; set; }
public Address Address{ get; set; }
public class Address: Entity
public string Country{ get; set; }
public string City{ get; set; }
public string ZipCode{ get; set; }
public class FactoryEntity<TEntity> where TEntity : Entity
public void AssociateWithEntity<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> entityExpression, TProperty newValueEntity) where TProperty : Entity
if (instanceEntity == null || instanceEntity.IsTransient())
throw new ArgumentNullException();
/*TODO: Logic the association and validation
How set the newValueEntity into the property of entityExpression (x=>x.Direccion = direccion*/
The following helper method converts a getter expression into a setter delegate. If you want to return an Expression<Action<T,TProperty>>
instead of an Action<T,TProperty>
, just don't call the Compile()
method at the end.
Note: The code is from Ian Mercer's blog: http://blog.abodit.com/2011/09/convert-a-property-getter-to-a-setter/
/// <summary>
/// Convert a lambda expression for a getter into a setter
/// </summary>
public static Action<T, TProperty> GetSetter<T, TProperty>(Expression<Func<T, TProperty>> expression)
var memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
var property = (PropertyInfo)memberExpression.Member;
var setMethod = property.GetSetMethod();
var parameterT = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
var parameterTProperty = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TProperty), "y");
var newExpression =
Expression.Lambda<Action<T, TProperty>>(
Expression.Call(parameterT, setMethod, parameterTProperty),
return newExpression.Compile();