Number of query values and destination fields are not the same error

Sharrok G picture Sharrok G · Nov 8, 2011 · Viewed 25.5k times · Source

I am getting an error while inserting data into a database.

The error is:

"Number of query values and destination fields are not the same".

Insert code:

OleDbConnection vconn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\\Users\\Mutyyba\\Documents\\Database1.accdb");

string name = textBox1.Text;
string address = textBox3.Text;
int rollno = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text);

string vquery = "insert into Table1 values(@vname,@vrollno,@vaddress)";

OleDbCommand vcomm = new OleDbCommand(vquery, vconn);
vcomm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vname", name);
vcomm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vrollno", rollno);
vcomm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vaddress", address);


MessageBox.Show("your record has been recorded sucessfully!");


What am I doing wrong?


Sandeep Pathak picture Sandeep Pathak · Nov 8, 2011

I think you just missed some single quotes . I see you have enclosed all the parameters with a starting and end single quotes . See this

One more thing , as you are passing lot of parameter prepare a SqlCommand Object for Parameters. See msdn for more details.

Do something like this :

  SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO table VALUES (@txtsno, @txtdesg, @txtbasic)", connection);

  comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtsno", txtsno.Text.Trim());

  comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtsno", txtdesg.Text.Trim());

  comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@txtsno", txtbasic.Text.Trim());

This would be more clearer and would not be prone of SQL Injection.