I have been attempting to start an instance of EC2 in C# without luck.
When passing in an instance id to start the instance I get an error that the instance cannot be found despite that I am passing in an instance ID that I have obtained from the object property.
I would be most grateful for any tips or pointers with this.
Amazon made huge efforts to integrate its AWS Cloud .Net SDK To VS2008 & VS 2010
AmazonEC2 ec2 = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonEC2Client();
//Start Your Instance
ec2.StartInstances(new StartInstancesRequest().WithInstanceId("i-00000000"));
//Stop it
ec2.StopInstances(new StopInstancesRequest().WithInstanceId("i-00000000"));
You just need to replace "i-00000000" by your instance Id (available in your AWS Management Console)
Hope this helps those googling this and stumbling upon this question (as I did myself) start off quickly.
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