Convert from Oracle's RAW(16) to .NET's GUID

rebelliard picture rebelliard · Sep 3, 2011 · Viewed 34.1k times · Source

I'm having difficulties manually debugging an .NET application where the Guid values differ from .NET to Oracle.

  • Where C# reads:
    • 17D89D326C2142D69B989F5201288DBF
  • Oracle reads:
    • 329DD817216CD6429B989F5201288DBF

How would I be able to manually debug, i.e., from C#'s GUID be able to paste that value in an oracle query and get the correct results (and viceversa)?


Jon Skeet picture Jon Skeet · Sep 3, 2011

If you look at the values involved (in pairs) of hex digits you can see that the last 7 bytes are the same in both cases, but the first 9 are switched around a bit.

Going from your example, but rewriting each pair in the .NET as 00, 11, 22 etc and switching the relevant byte of Oracle as well we get:

  • .NET:

  • Oracle:


So it should be fairly easy to write code to switch round the relevant bytes. (I'm pretty sure I wrote some code to do this in a previous job, in fact.)

To switch round the bytes, you'll just want to call Guid.ToByteArray() and new Guid(byte[]) to get back to a Guid.

EDIT: As it happens, the switch-round above is exactly what the Guid constructor does when you pass it a byte array:

using System;
using System.Linq;

class Test
    static void Main()
        byte[] bytes = Enumerable.Range(0, 16)
                                 .Select(x => x * 16 + x)
                                 .Select(x => (byte) x)

        Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", ""));
        Console.WriteLine(new Guid(bytes).ToString().Replace("-", ""));



That may well make it considerably simpler to perform the switching... how were you getting hold of the values to start with? Is it just "how they're displayed in Oracle"?

EDIT: Okay, here are a couple of conversion functions - if you've got the data as text, they'll convert each way...

using System;
using System.Linq;

class Test
    static void Main()
        string oracle = "329DD817216CD6429B989F5201288DBF";
        string dotNet = "17D89D326C2142D69B989F5201288DBF";

        Console.WriteLine(oracle == DotNetToOracle(dotNet));
        Console.WriteLine(dotNet == OracleToDotNet(oracle));

    static string OracleToDotNet(string text)
        byte[] bytes = ParseHex(text);
        Guid guid = new Guid(bytes);
        return guid.ToString("N").ToUpperInvariant();

    static string DotNetToOracle(string text)
        Guid guid = new Guid(text);
        return BitConverter.ToString(guid.ToByteArray()).Replace("-", "");

    static byte[] ParseHex(string text)
        // Not the most efficient code in the world, but
        // it works...
        byte[] ret = new byte[text.Length / 2];
        for (int i = 0; i < ret.Length; i++)
            ret[i] = Convert.ToByte(text.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
        return ret;
