Different return values the first and second time with Moq

marcus picture marcus · Sep 2, 2011 · Viewed 88k times · Source

I have a test like this:

    public void Page_With_Custom_Action(string path) {
        // Arrange
        var pathData = new Mock<IPathData>();
        var pageModel = new Mock<IPageModel>();
        var repository = new Mock<IPageRepository>();
        var mapper = new Mock<IControllerMapper>();
        var container = new Mock<IContainer>();

        container.Setup(x => x.GetInstance<IPageRepository>()).Returns(repository.Object);

        repository.Setup(x => x.GetPageByUrl<IPageModel>(path)).Returns(() => pageModel.Object);

        pathData.Setup(x => x.Action).Returns("myaction");
        pathData.Setup(x => x.Controller).Returns("page");

        var resolver = new DashboardPathResolver(pathData.Object, repository.Object, mapper.Object, container.Object);

        // Act
        var data = resolver.ResolvePath(path);

        // Assert
        Assert.AreEqual("myaction", data.Action);
        Assert.AreEqual("page", data.Controller);

GetPageByUrl runs twice in my DashboardPathResolver, how can I tell Moq to return null the first time and pageModel.Object the second?


stackunderflow picture stackunderflow · Nov 30, 2013

With the latest version of Moq(4.2.1312.1622), you can setup a sequence of events using SetupSequence. Here's an example:

_mockClient.SetupSequence(m => m.Connect(It.IsAny<String>(), It.IsAny<int>(), It.IsAny<int>()))
        .Throws(new SocketException())
        .Throws(new SocketException())
        .Throws(new SocketException())

Calling connect will only be successful on the third and fifth attempt otherwise an exception will be thrown.

So for your example it would just be something like:

repository.SetupSequence(x => x.GetPageByUrl<IPageModel>(virtualUrl))